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Beetroot & Shiraz Relish Dip
In the realm of gastronomy, few experiences match the joy of discovering a recipe that not only satiates your hunger but also ignites your senses. Our Vinofood Beetroot and Shiraz Relish Dip is an embodiment of such culinary magic. With its enticing colours, velvety texture, and irresistible flavours, it beckons you to indulge. So, seize the moment, gather your loved ones, and let the indulgence begin. After all, in every dip, there's not just a blend of moments, making every bit a cherished memory.
Prep time 10 min. Cooking time 0 min. Serves 4
- 60g Vinofood Beetroot and Shiraz Relish
- 40g tinned beetroot
- 400g tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 medium clove garlic, roughly chopped
- 40g hulled tahini paste
- Salt and pepper to taste
- ½ lemon, juiced
- Tip Vinofood Beetroot and Shiraz Relish, beetroot, cannellini beans, garlic, tahini, salt, pepper and lemon juice into a food processor.
- Blitz into a smooth consistency.
- Serve with your choice of crackers and/or vegetable sticks.
- Perfect addition to a grazing board.